8:45am School Gate opens
9:00am Gate Closes/ Registration- all children are expected to be in school by this time- if children are late please come to the front office and sign your child in. You will need to complete a pink Pupil Register Sign In/Out slip.
9:10am Monday, Wednesday, Thursday, Friday- Assembly Tuesday- Class time
9:30am-10:30am Morning Lessons (usually Maths based)
10:30am Break
10:50am-12:30pm Morning Lessons (usually English based)
12:30pm-1:30pm Lunch (30mins to eat/ 30 mins to play)
1:30pm-3:30pm Afternoon lessons
3:25pm Gate opens
3:30pm End of day (Children will line up in their classes ready for families. Please complete the permission form if you wish for your children to walk home independently.)